Researching Surgeons?? Started by: Myboobjourneyuk

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    Hello gals.

    I’m currently at consultation stage with several cosmetic providers. I have done lots of research on each provider but I am a little unsure as to how to research individual surgeons.

    I’m aware that I can search for them on the GMC website to make sure they are registered but I was wondering if anyone knows how to make sure they are fully insured etc etc.

    Any tips would be really appreciated!!
    Thanks x


    Hi Hun, not sure if indemnity insurance comes with the job in the private sector or for doctors. They will also be registered in the BAAPS website: British Associasion of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. So can look them up there if that’s any help and maybe find out about insurance there too? Good luck with ur research, hope u find what ur looking for X X X


    @nicola-marie thank you! 🙂 x

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