Sad ☹️ one week post op Started by: Ria

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  • Ria 4

    Hi Everyone.
    I’m really sad about my results. I had 400cc in left and 450cc In right due to asymmetry and a mini uplift. I am 6 days post op. But my boobs actually looked bigger before surgery (34b) than they do now.. how is this possible? I told my surgeon I wanted atleast a DD. Originally was going for HP but my surgeon changed mind on the day and gave me mod plus.. I just don’t know how to feel. I’ve heard of the drop and fluff process but surely I should see a slight difference now? I’m really gutted honestly.. I will attach pics if I can. If anyone else has experienced this would be great to hear how it has went for you and if anything improved.

    Astrid 4

    Hi hun, hope your okay. I had my operation 5 weeks ago and 2 weeks after I hated my boobs, I wish I would of gone bigger even though I had 375cc hp unders. But as I’ve been told it takes a while anything from 1 year + to see the proper results. And I’ve come realise they will get bigger it’s just gonna take a while 🙁

    Honestly I was so upset and even though I’m only 5 weeks post op I want mine doing again 😩 but I have to keep reminding myself they will get bigger once they drop and fluff xxx

    Ria 4

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    Hi @astrid ! Thanks so much for your response.
    Ah it’s so heartbreaking isn’t it! I literally went the biggest I could so I thought I would be safe with getting a decent result by having 450cc. I just wish that my surgeon went for HP now instead of mod plus as now I’m just having thoughts about how different they could’ve been .. If mine stay like this then I will 100% not be happy and will want another one but it’s like I spent so much money for nothing 🙁 I want them to be noticeably different and my family have said they look so small which is so sad to hear. I’m just trying to ‘trust the process’ as hard as it is!
    Fingers crossed for us both that we get the results we want or somewhat near enough xx

    Pink chick 32

    Ria, honestly just give it some time. 1 week post op is no time at all. They are nowhere near at their final shape, size or position.
    They definitely get bigger as they drop and fluff (for unders anyway). I am 6 months post op and I would say they have gradually got bigger. There is no way that they are smaller than before, they are just tight and squashed down. Give it time and I’m sure they will be fabulous.

    Ria 4

    Thankyou , just going to try and keep my mind busy and hopefully time goes quick and will improve , staying hopeful x


    Hey Ria, how are you getting on now? Have they dropped and fluffed anymore? I have my surgery on Friday and I’ve been convinced I wanted mod plus but he’s ordered both so I can pick on the day I’m having 350cc either mod plus or HP seeing this is giving me second thoughts on mod plus? Xx

    Leighann 7

    I would definitely go for hp. I had moderate first time round and even thought it took me from a b cup to an e cup, they didn’t look it. I have 500hp overs now going from 380 unders. Most defo go for hp x


    Thank you for your reply :). I really like the look of mod plus I want more of a full natural look but I’m worried I may look but I’m too I feel like the width of the 350 is too small but that’s the max size I think I can have. Thank you for your reply I guess I’ll decide tomorrow HAHAH X

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