scared Started by: hannah burgess

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    I’m due to have my op the 14th of may and I’m so scared of been put asleep incase I don’t wake up or wake up too soon and I’m still in surgery was anyone else like this? what sort of things can I do to help worrying about it

    Tracy 38

    Try not to worry, you’ll be fine. I was taken to theatre, within 5 mins I was asleep and next thing i knew I was back in my room with boobs xx


    Honestly I panicked so badly!!
    I couldn’t sleep the night before.
    I walked out of the place thinking what the bloody hell was I scared of! It’s nothing like you think! They are highly trained and so nice about it all!
    Ask for numbing cream on your hands that’s what I did and they had no issues putting it on!
    I’ve had a baby and all I could think of was the horrible cannula needle but he said maternity use stupidly big needles and he was right the one he used was tiny. They’ll put the right amount in dont panic! 🙂
    It’s honestly nothing! You just feel like you’re going to sleep then the next thing you know you’re waking up! 😀

    mp 15

    I had my surgery yesterday. I was absolutely cacking it….but pls do not worry. I actually wud do it all over again. Within 2 mins i was asleep and it felt like i was awake the next. However be reassured that everything ur feeling is normal. I even cried in theatre room before they stuck the needle in lol!!

    mp 15

    I had my surgery yesterday. I was absolutely cacking it….but pls do not worry. I actually wud do it all over again. Within 2 mins i was asleep and it felt like i was awake the next. However be reassured that everything ur feeling is normal. I even cried in theatre room before they stuck the needle in lol!!


    thankyou this makes me feel so much better xx

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