Size 14 – weight loss after op? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, I’ve just booked last minute to have surgery on 8th March, SO SOON! I’m a size 14 but 5ft 7 so not really fat but definitely curvy. I’m on a weight loss mission now but obviously won’t be able to lose as much as I want before the op but then I’m so scared if I lose another stone after the op that my boobs will sag?

    This is a life changing thing for me and it’s a major BA. Having reduction then uplift then implants as I have severely saggy and tubular boobs. It’s ruined my confidence, I’m only 24 so have my whole beautiful boob life ahead of me and I can’t wait!

    All the pictures on here seem to be of beautiful slim girls and I’m a tall curvy girl! I just need reassurance that my boobs will still be okay if I lose a bit of weight! It would be about 2stone max, probs more like 1-1.5stone but as I carry the weight all over my body and not just on my belly it won’t be a drastic shape change if that makes sense? I’m so scared!!! Xxx


    Hey how did they turn out of you don’t mind me asking xx

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