Spotty chest Started by: Montana

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  • Montana 19

    So im 12 day post op and today i noticed i have a few red lumps and spots on my chest and around my incisions. Do any of you ladies know what is causing it? And what i can do to get rid of them? They dont bother me, they itch a little but nothing major. They just look horrible. Xx

    Becks 17

    Hi hun, I had spots too around my incisions but they had little white heads on them….yuk they were gross!! Not too why I had them but they just kind of went away. Im still getting red spots on my chest now, but I think its because im moisturizing so much to help soften them and it’s making my chest really greasy.

    Montana 19

    Yeah they really aint nice to look at. I haven’t put anything on my chest yet. So i was wondering if it was to do with not been able to shower xx

    Mae 79

    I’m nearly 5 weeks and still have spotty chest? Fuck knows wht it is from! I keep washing and moisturising it? Xx

    Samantha 6

    Yeah I had the same! Not being able to shower properly won’t be helping, I just used sudocrem on them at night which helped clear them up. Someone said they used tea tree oil wipes on theirs which they found helped as well xx


    I’ve still got this now at 10 weeks but it seems to come and go! Hope it clears for you xx

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