Surgery on 28th November Started by: Sacha Wells

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  • Sacha Wells -6

    Hey, I’m booked with Dr Sleiter for 325cc High profile, currently a 32a, any advice, before /afters would be great or anyone around this time as a support group type thing would also be great ☺️ x


    Hi! I’m also booked with Dr Sleiter for beginning of December. I’m a 32B/C depends on the bra or where I get them from. I’m having 375 high profile unders. I’m 5’3 , 9 stone so I didn’t know whether 375 would be too big for my frame but as I’m going under I’ve seen most girls advise to go for the bigger size, hope yours goes well! xxx

    Sacha Wells -6

    Let me know how it goes 🙂 xx

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