To anyone having a post-op wobble! Started by: XmasPuds

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  • XmasPuds 38

    Hi girls, I actually posted this as a reply to another topic, and then I thought there are probably lots of us who just need a little reassurance after what is a HUGE and life-changing experience.
    I just wanted to (hopefully) support anyone who is feeling worried about whether they’ve done the right thing.
    I had my BA eight years ago, so I’ve been through everything that you’re discussing here and know how it feels days, weeks, months and years down the line!
    It’s actually quite unusual to be delighted with the result right away, I was really unhappy immediately after my surgery, I honestly felt extreme guilt. It’s awful if you dislike the result, then feel the GUILT of disliking the result, after all of the time, emotion and expense that has gone into it! Not to mention the support you’ve received from loved ones, and others expecting to see a huge change, and after the emotional roller-coaster leading up to the event, you’re just sat there wanting to disappear!
    I can promise you, you will LOVE your new assets. It might take months, but you will. After around month four I was FINALLY able to see my new boobs for what they were – perfect! Everyones’ body is different, and they heal at TOTALLY different rates. Some girls feel great days later or weeks later, I felt great months later.
    When you first see your result – it’s terrifying! It looks alien and unnatural and it bloody hurts, or is uncomfortable and strange. They are too big, or too small. You’re scared to move in case something pops out or moves, or you tear an incision, or compromise your result. It’s scary! On top of that your emotions are ALL OVER the place.
    But, just like your mind needs to adjust to having these new assets (essentially foreign objects), your BODY does too. Your body will gradually accept the implants as part of ‘you’ and allow them to drop and soften into their place.
    You have some amazing experiences to look forward to – lingerie and bra shopping!! Feeling body confident around your partner, going on holiday and strutting your stuff across the beach! Buying those amazing hour-glass dresses you see all over Instagram and actually filling them out! I promise you, it’s difficult as hell, but be patient, you will love them when they’ve had time to adapt to your body.
    In the meantime, enjoy your recovery, you’ve been through a big procedure and deserve to relax and eat junk food and cry if you want(!) until your girls have settled into place.
    I have booked a second BA with MYA to go considerably larger. I am excited about the whole process because I know what to expect and I know how tough it can be to have a wobble – which I will again!
    Check back and read your posts six months down the line, I guarantee you’ll chuckle to yourself because you’re delighted with your gorgeous breasts. It really does just take patience, and being kind to yourself.
    <3 xxx

    Mitch 39

    Awww I really enjoyed ready that hunni….I haven’t had my ba yet it’s on the 5th of September but I’ve already been feeling guilty about the cost and selfish for wanting to improve what I have….but I no its what I want because at the moment every day I’m un happy with my breasts the way they are.anyway just wanted to say thank you for your post it has put my mind at ease loads xx

    XmasPuds 38

    @mitchx aw you are so welcome babe. I can totally relate, it’s so easy to punish yourself with guilt, thinking of everything else you could have spent the money on. But, realistically, no-body has a spare five grand! You’save or take out a loan for something specific, I personally think that body-confidence is priceless, and worth every single penny. You are going to ‘wear’ these gorgeous new assets every single day. Think of all of that cash you’ve blown on clothes and make-up that runs out or gets worn or you’re bored of. You’re a woman and deserve to feel like a woman. It was the single BEST thing I have ever done and I can’t wait to do it all over again!! xxx

    Teresa 52

    Thank you so much for this. I’ve had a major wobble today worrying that 350cc will be to big but my pc has rang me and reminded how much I loved the 350cc sizers when I tried them on. She was lovely and really reassured me.
    Anyway me and my husband are in the car now travelling down to the premier inn Preston ready for my 8am admission and happy New booby day x

    Cayler 56

    Absolutely love this ❤️ Xxxx

    Sarah Jones 16

    Love this! So true about being scared to do anything, every time I sneeze I’m scared that I’m going to ruin them or even just have drink, thankyou xxxx

    Sara 9

    Thank you xxx

    Mitch 39

    @XMASPUDS awwww thank you hunni that is so true ive waited so long to feel like a woman and my new boo ‘s will finally give me that feeling… excited good luck to you too with your new boobies and thank you for your good advice ???? xxx

    Kate 56

    Bless you!!! Thanks for his, sweet xxx


    This is lovely! Everything you said has gone through my mind at some point but definitely looking forward to all the positives that will come soon enough. Roll on getting rid of these blimmin’ sports bras … don’t think I’ll ever want to see one again when I’m fully recovered! Read a few of your posts about your 2nd op, good luck and go for it! 🙂 xx

    Jemma Ward 18

    @xmaspuds This is such a lovely thing to read♡ I have actually talked myself un snd out of doing this at least 3 times since knowing its all finally becoming real! The things that go thru ur mind are unreal! xxx

    XmasPuds 38

    Aww, I actually wasn’t expecting such a big response to this at all! <3.
    It looks like we are all going through the exact same thing. It’s unrealistic to expect to be 100% (or even 80%) sure of our decision all of the time. OF COURSE there will be wobbles and uncertainty, this is probably one the biggest, if not THE biggest decision you’ll ever make. If there were no nerves during the whole process then that probably shows a little naivety if anything.
    I’ve actually come to realize that a lot of women who are seeking breast surgery have an element of perfectionism in them – let’s face it, most of us are worriers! And most of us experience guilt on top of that, for undergoing cosmetic surgery in the first place.
    I personally think it’s incredibly empowering, and now that I’ve been through it once, I am SO EXCITED to go through it again without carrying all of the baggage of worry and stress that I did last time.

    Emily 3

    Thank you so much for writing this I really needed to read some positive and understanding words! I am currently 2DPO and in an awful lot of pain and just wondering will this ever pass! You’ve helped put my mind at rest and I’m so excited for this journey once the pain subsides! X

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