Under garment help please!! Started by: Rebbecca

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  • Rebbecca 3

    Hi girls,

    I’m 5 days PO and this bloody garment is killing me!! When I left the hospital, the nurse said “Don’t let the garment beat you” I had no clue what she meant but I certainly do now.

    I had vaser lipo on my back and flanks and I’ve cut the foam garment down loads but it’s still really sore. I even have blisters on my hips from where it has been rubbing.

    I’m worried that I haven’t done it up tight enough but it’s difficult to do on your own. It takes me a good 20 minutes to put both garments on.

    Any hints or tips will be appreciated!

    Jane 2

    Hi Rebecca,

    I’m 5 days PO as well and I feel the same as you. I had laser on upper and lower stomach but it sounds like we’re in the same boat. Mine is itching a lot and obviously you can’t scratch it! I am so embarrassed going out because I look ridiculous and it’s obvious that there’s something under my clothes- not that I can find anything to look remotely normal.

    I’m a bit worried about the tightness as well. It now doesn’t feel as tight as the first few days but maybe that’s normal because the swelling has started to go down. I worry that it needs to be tighter but if I try it a bit tighter I can’t breathe at nigh and it crushes my chest, so maybe I’ve compromised. When I left the nurse after my 2 day check she hadn’t done me up that tight at all so maybe we’re allowed it a bit slacker?

    Emma 35

    Hey girls, I’m 3 ‘weeks post op so still got 1 more week of this wretched foam vest!! It is really just a case of hang in there. I found sitting upright on a chair or on edge of sofa more comfy that laying back. (High was frustrating as meant to be lay at 45degree incline because I Also had my boobs done!)

    I generally do it up tight to the top when I’m up and about (so more likely to swell up) but at night I undo the first 2-3 hooks down, or at least loosen them. I found this helped me breath deeper and sleep better. Also you can have it off for about an hour each day safely, usually when u have your shower or your MLD massage. I’ve had amazing results so far and I’ve been having it off regularly for showers and massages.

    As for the itching, again I stick a pencil or something long Down the top or up the pubic gap to itch it haha!! ( obviously antibacterial it first with a wipe or something,!!!). Also wipe the vest down with antibacterial wipes each day to remove dead skin cells etc so it doesn’t get dirty which will defo make u itch more if it is dirty!


    Emma 35

    Ps it shouldn’t be so tight your getting blisters hun!! Definitely loosen it a bit!

    Call ur PC to be sure the blisters aren’t serinas (build up of fluid). If they are you,may need got go and get syringed out.

    Emma 35

    Seromas * sorry. Bloody auto correct!

    Jane 2

    Thanks Emma, it’s helpful to hear some advice. Can I just ask when did you start with the massage? I’m still bit tender so at the mo am hanging on. Also and this is probably a daft question, have you tried to do any exercise this thing? I’m feeling that I need to do something but the practicality of it seems impossible. I’m guessing it’s waiting for the 4 weeks to get the blasted thing off but I feel lazy and want to get started!

    Emma 35

    Best not to excercise as that’s what’ll cause you to swell up. If u didn’t have vaser on your legs areas you could do some walking I guess. I had it a bit harder as had my boobs done and my upper arms vasered too so defo no proper exercising possible for me. Your body really needs to rest to repair itself though for the best results.

    As for MLD massages I started at about 12days I think, I had to wait to get all clear after my boob post op 1week later and then she said I could do it, so I think after 7days you can. It really doesn’t hurt, it’s like stroking more than anything! Once ur less sore she might then go a bit harder to massage out any lumps forming in week 2-4.

    It’s not cheap though so spread it out so like 2 per week for 3 weeks or something. Iveheard people having it every day, but I only got my lumps in arms at like 16days post op so glad I didn’t use them all up at first as it’s really helping break the lumps down now! X

    Rebbecca 3

    Thanks for the replies.

    So I’ve cut this vest so much but I was told it only needs to cover the incisions. It still pushes my boobs up and sits on my hips.

    I have come up with the best trick ever!! I am wearing a vest top under the foam vest. This completely stops the itching and also keeps the garment clean.

    I have an appointment with the nurse tomorrow so I’ll check with her whether it’s ok to wear a vest top but I honestly can’t see why not?!?

    I still have stitches so I assume I can’t really start with the massages yet? I’m going to ask the Nurse again tomorrow.

    I am also feeling so lazy. I am walking a bit but I also feel a lot more tired, that may be from the broken sleep. I was thinking I could possibly get away with doing some squats. It’ll certainly keep my back straight.

    Jane 2

    Emma, there’s a few videos on Youtube showing you how to do the MLD massage on yourself, so you could do it yourself inbetween visits 🙂

    Emma 35

    That’s a great idea! I prob can’t do my arms but can defo do my sides and tummy!! Will defo have a go thanks x

    Emma 35

    What did the nurse say about wearing a vest top underneath???? All ok to? Gonna try this if so!

    Jane 2

    Well, listen to this girls. I went today for my 1 week post op check up. She told me that it’s fine to wear the garments the other way around!! I’m not sure about this so I’m going to ask it out to everybody. She told me to put spanxs on first and we buttoned it to the tightest. Then we put the beast on over the top of it, with that velcroed pretty tight so that the first velcro was over the edge of the stickies and it’s the second band that fits, if that makes sense. It’s so much more comfy, but I”m not sure if anyone else has been told this. The downside is that it’s a bit more bulky because obviously the all in one isn’t compressing it. I’m not sure what to do. I’m going to sleep in it tonight and see how it goes and then if nobody else has been told this, I guess I’ll revet back to the normal way. x

    Emma 35

    Wow how bizarre! But I guess if nurse said so it must be fine! I guess that confirms that wearing a best top under is ok, if your wearing the Macon garment under the foam vest. I’ve been wearing a best top under for the last 2days and does feel better! I took it off to sleep in but wore during the daytime when I’m likely to sweat etc!! Def makes it feel less “sticky” & itchy on a hot day!

    I’ve only got 4more days left of wearing the foam bit! I’ve ordered a new Macom garment online the one without legs in for when I can take vest off, as I find the shorts too tight and looks obvious underneath trousers/jeans etc and too long if wearing a skirt/shorts. Also ordered it in flesh colour so less obvious under stuff!

    Jane 2

    I did think that surely the nurse must have told other people this, not just me! Am so jealous that you’ve only got 4 days left haha! I’ve gone back to wearing it the normal way now. It was more comfy but it was also more bulky. It was even harder to get trousers on and I kept thinking it was pushing my knickers down when walking so that’s not good!! And I kept fiddling with it and pulling it down because I guess it slid around a bit more over the smooth all in one. When the nurse ordered my garments she told me that they didn’t order the flesh ones anymore because they weren’t well liked! I would think they would be better as well!

    Emma 35

    I think they stopped ordering flesh ones because when u first come out if u leak a bit it drains and looks reeeeeally gross and scary!!

    Personally I think they should order you one of each – but start u in the black. Or atleast give you a choice!

    They actually messed up my garment order and so I ended up in one for my body that didn’t have arms ( I had arms vasered too) so had to put these weird TINY Xs arm things on me that were beige – I leaked on those and was Yukky! They also made my arms and hands swell up so badly – luckily the nurses at MYA fitzroy are fab and she came up before I was discharged to see me and she ordered 2x the correct garments! However – the garments came and one the sleeves were short not long so didn’t cover properly and dug in so I chopped those off and ordered the correct size by in the arm garments on the Macom website. I got that it beige and I prefer to wear that than the black arms under tops as less noticeable. Especially once get this vest off hahaha!!


    Yana 51

    Silly qu- what is the foam best under the Spanx for exactly? What does it do?
    After the tummy tuck my garmet was creasing at the waist and gave me a sore that didn’t heal for almost 10 weeks, now I have a permanent scar next to the belly button. So do be careful, check yourselves for sores..

    Emma 35

    It’s to smooth out the area with additional compression to prevent lumps etc. it helps with better results after having fat liquidified, so it doesn’t swell up in little area. Atleast I think this is the case! My friend had regular lipo not vaser and didn’t gave to wear it, only the normal macom compression body garment.

    I’m due to take the foam vest off tomorrow, and I tried on my macom garment yest wit out hot see and found it pinched/dug in at the smaller part of my waist!! So plan to wear a more comfy primark spanks under it, or a vest top or something, anything that will protect my skin so as u say it doesn’t rub and cause a mark.

    Did you show them the mark at your post op appointments? What did they say? That’s unlucky that u have that hun 🙁 maybe with bio oil on it it might go down tho? Xx

    Rebbecca 3

    So glad my vest top trick worked for you too. The nurse said it was fine to wear it and I have done every day since!

    I’ve still got 9 days to wear the foam vest! Can’t wait to take it off.


    Hello Rebbecca, I understand you perfectly, it’s so uncomfortable. But I don’t think the blisters are normal. Discomfort is one thing, but blisters? I was so angry at the vest that I bought another garment. I bought garments from Lipoelastic and I went for normal garment for phase 1 and for my belly, to be really tight, I wore abdomen belt on top of it. It was better and also it wasn’t so visible underneath clothes.

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