Visible line on breast… help! Started by: Maya

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  • Maya 4

    Hi everyone,
    I am almost 12 weeks PO and so far
    My recovery has gone fine – I had my 6 week check up and was told everything was good.
    But today I noticed there is a strange line on my left breast, which is much more noticeable when I tense my pecs.
    I am going to call them tomorrow but was wondering if anyone knew what this was/if I should be very concerned?!
    I had Dual plane implants with a round implant on the left breast. I think it was 300 cc

    Any advice/ideas what this might be would be really appreciated!
    Thank you!

    Maya 4

    Attached pictures of it not tensed and tense tk show what I mean!

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    You need to get it seen to by the surgeon. It looks like a double bubble has formed- The double-bubble deformity occurs when a breast implant sits lower than the old inframammary crease. It can occur when a breast implant is positioned below the old crease at surgery or when an implant falls below the crease with the passage of time creating a contour deformity.

    Maya 4

    Thank you for replying Vanessa! i spoke to a nurse and they said it might just be my muscles adjusting and to see how it goes – they’ve also booked me in for a follow up with my surgeon so we’ll see!

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