Waking up from anaesthetic Started by: Shan

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  • Shan 6

    Hi girlies I’m wondering if anyone can tell me their experiences.

    My surgery isn’t until December, but I’m one of those annoying people that over think everything! The thing I’m most worried about is the side affects of the anaesthetic once I have woken up (and the pain of course lol)

    I’ve seen a couple girls on here say once they woke up after surgery they felt sick/ was sick.

    And I always kind of panic whenever I feel/ am sick. (I’ve got quite a sensitive tummy/ibs so I have a reaction to things that most people don’t)

    Would some of you mind telling me some of your experiences after waking up so I can prepare myself!

    My friend keeps telling me I’ll be fine and I won’t feel ill (she didn’t after her BA) but of course I still worry! lol



    Hi try not to worry I was also really worried about this and sickness wasn’t as bad as I thought in hindsight! I too have ibs and so knew anything could set me off. I had quite a lot of pain when I woke up (most girls on here don’t seem to have had that so don’t worry about that bit!) which meant I had to have a lot of morphine. The morphine made me really groggy and probably amplified everything! I was only sick once but couldn’t bring myself to eat much at all…didn’t really feel sick just off and couldn’t face eating?! To sum it up I basically thought I’d be much worse with sickness but if anything I was more uncomfortable with my boobs than anything else! šŸ™‚ try to remember that the short period of time that you feel uncomfortable will be outweighed by the fact that you will love your new boobs forever! Xx

    Shan 6

    @clare thank you so much for replying? It’s always worse in your mind but never actually as bad. And your right I will have lovely boobs at the end of it all! xx


    Try not to worry. I know that’s really easy to say but I was shit scared and looking back I can’t understand why.

    As soon as I came round I was absolutely fine. I cried because I was so happy I’d done it. Didn’t feel sick at all. I was wheeled back to my room and had tea & biscuits then a sandwhich when I fully awake. Xxx

    Celene 1

    You’ll be fine šŸ™‚ I’m 9dpo. I too have ibs. When I woke up in recovery I felt absolutely fine- just sleepy. Over the period of about 15mins after coming around I was smiling and chatting to the nurse who was sat next to me monitoring me and I was feeling more and more awake so they then wheeled me back to my room. I just felt sleepy so had several naps. They brought in water and toast which took me ages to eat- weirdly I found that eating made me feel more sleepy! I felt fine though. A couple of hours after that I was peckish so they brought in shortbread and apple juice- I didn’t have much of that before it make me feel sick. The feeling went luckily! When I was getting up to leave finally 7hrs after going down for surgery (at 11am) I was sick….. I think the apple juice and biscuits were too much for my stomach so I’d recommend sticking to toast and water if you need more! As we left we took a couple of the sick bowls in case the same happened in the cab. It didn’t! But when I tried to eat again that night at home, after just a couple of mouthfuls I was sick again. So I gave up trying to eat that day! I woke up the next morning absolutely fine- eating as normal and no feeling sick. I had no pain and that’s the main thing. Hope this helps. Good luck with your op! X

    Hollie 13

    Donā€™t worry it was my first time having anaesthetic and I was absolutely fine! I woke up in recovery and within about 15 mins I was chatting to the nurse and the girl next to me in recovery wide awake! I felt a little bit nauseous when I got back to my room and couldnā€™t finish the food they gave me but other than that I was absolutely fine. Iā€™m 2DPO and up to now I have had hardly any pain at all – like you Iā€™m a worrier and read so many horror stories about how much pain other people have been in and the effects of the anaesthetic but honestly try not to over think it you will be fine! šŸ™‚ xx

    Shan 6

    Thank you so much everyone for replying! Going to try not to overthink and worry myself xx


    I woke up asking what time breakfast was I was just smiling no tears. My op was quite lengthy as well as I had an uplift also. First time I’d ever had surgery too.

    Nurse asked me on 1-10 scale how bad pain was I said 7, she gave me shot of morphine. I didn’t throw up and had a light meal before the op at 9pm the night before. Admission was 7

    I’d advise to make sure u don’t eat too much as it seems too much food in the stomach can also attribute to sickness some girls get.


    I was super worried about this! I have a severe vomit phobia and was absolutely terrified. To the point that I was almost sick while I was waiting because I was so scared that it would happen. My anaesthetist put anti sickness drugs into my cannula, which I believe is the standard procedure. When I woke up I felt groggy for an hour and then was honestly like normal. Literally as if nothing had happened! I ate after roughly an hour and was absolutely fine. Was genuinely questioning if I was even put to sleep! My nurse told me I’m in the minority with my experience but I thought you’d like to know it is possible!!xx

    Samaj003 16

    I was very sick after surgery if im honest- i had 4 different types of anti-emetics and eventually i stopped. It wasn’t nice but I wouldn’t stop me from having the proceedure.

    I was under the muscle which i think is more painful than over but i was pottering about at home day after surgery and venturing out by day 5. With pain releif and ice packs its manageable.

    dvrue 9

    I stayed overnight at the hospital and I’m so glad I did – it was my first time under general anesthesia and it took me quite a while longer than the nurses expected to wake up. I also had to have extra morphine due to the pain (under the muscle) which knocked me out again for hours. I threw up 3 times while I was in hospital. First time after I drank water too quickly – definitely don’t do that! You’ll be thirsty but take small sips of water only. Second time was after having a cup of tea and a biscuit, third after breakfast – I just couldn’t eat. Bear in mind that I do get nauseous very easily so maybe that’s why I had that reaction. Just remember to pay attention to your body’s needs – if you feel sick and don’t have an appetite, don’t force yourself to eat lots. Good luck with your op! Hope it’s an easy recovery x

    Shan 6

    Thank you so much @fran @georgia @samaj003 @dvrue
    Fran your right good advice about not having a heavy meal the night before
    Seems like itā€™s quite common to feel be sick after
    Appreciate u all telling me your stories! Iā€™m defo very nervous about the day but Iā€™ve got two more months to calm down lol xxxx


    Ur welcome hun! The lighter the meal the better. U will be so tired from lack of energy u won’t even have the energy to worry or fret about the day ahead! I was first down in surgery on the day so it all happened very quickly for me. All the best! Ur in amazing hands with Dr Fiumara she’s lovely

    Alexandra 2

    Hi Hun.
    I had my op Monday just gone and was a little nervous as it was my first time under too. When I first game round I did feel a little nausea but I had the tiniest sip of water and was ok. I was also out a little while longer than expected, but was glad to get back to my room. One thing Iā€™d say is make sure your room isnā€™t too warm, I found that that made me feel a little more sick. I just kept sipping water while I was coming around.
    I didnā€™t eat after 5pm the evening before which helped but I was starving when I came around from the op. I managed to eat toast and some water melon and mango and found that the fruit really help as it helped with the thirst.

    Everyone react differently and just make sure you listen to your body and tell the nurses exactly how your feeling.

    Good luck with your op chick xx

    Shan 6

    @fran yeah Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be knackered, Iā€™ve never had really strong painkillers before so I can imagine how drowsy I will feel! lol

    thanks babe that was really helpful. Going to try and do as much as I can to avoid feeling too sick the next day. My surgery has now moved to November so itā€™s getting closer! šŸ™‚

    Jordan 15

    This is my worst nightmare ever. Hence it being 1am and me reading through these! I am PETRIFIED of being sick, like full on phobia.

    Last time I had anesthetic I was really poorly but I was a child and had teeth out (swallowed a lot of blood?) praying I donā€™t get poorly after my op! Booked in for January and already stupidly nervous! Not bothered about the pain or recovery, just donā€™t want to be sick! šŸ™ x

    Siobhan 11

    Every time Iā€™ve had GA I wake up crying and screaming and making a tit of myself so I wouldnā€™t worry. Anyone else having their op on the 16th just be warned you may hear me lol. Iā€™m not gonna let it stop me having boobies though!
    With regards to feeling and being sick- I wouldnā€™t worry too much- they can give you anti sickness medication to help with that and it works pretty quickly. Youā€™ll be fine petal x

    Kasia 8

    I woke up from GA on Sunday, still on the operating table (but they were done) feeling like I’ve had a really really good nap. Then spent maybe 5 mins in recovery and went back to my room, feeling super awake, not particularly hungry (even though it was about 8pm and I hadn’t eaten since 6:30am) but not sick at all. Apart form a few minutes of blurry eyes I then felt super awake (even my friend who was with me was like ‘wow you are buzzing’ and not once did I throw up or feel sick at all. I think it varies for everyone but I honestly wouldn’t worry about anything – the staff take such good care you and and make sure you are comfortable šŸ™‚

    Shan 6

    @jordan this is exactly me! Iā€™ve never had GA before so I have no idea how I will be. But I have a weak stomach so being pumped with all those drugs I just know Iā€™ll feel Ill. And my anxiety alone will make me feel sick! I sound like a right weirdo lol my surgery is this Monday 13th so I will let you know how I am x

    thanks babe I know they are There to help us and things should be ok Iā€™ll be in good hands x

    thank u that gives me hope lol x

    Jordan 15

    @shaniceja just seen you replied! It didnā€™t send me a notification! Hope your op went well today and you feel ok! Iā€™ve alrwady decided Iā€™m not taking any of their pain relief as it is so strong! Iā€™d rather be in pain! X

    Cayler 56

    I loved waking up! I thought the nurse was my friend and Iā€™d gone round to see her new baby,. I had no idea why she was wearing a mask.. and I had no Idea Iā€™d had my boobs done hahaha! Iā€™d love to experience GA again xxxx

    Shan 6

    Hi babe. Like I said I would let u know how it went for me. I will be two weeks post op on Monday

    Iā€™m pleased to say I had no sickness AT ALL! I am still quite surprised to be honest with you. I got back to my room after surgery around 1:30pm but had to wait till 9pm to see Dr fiumara as she likes to do all her surgeries and then come back round and see everyone. I would say about an hour before this I started to get a slight bit of nausea so I just asked for anti sickness almost straight away to stop it and I was fine. I also thought I would have sickness because of all the meds u have to take and anti biotics as I have ibs but I didnā€™t ( I take a pre and pro biotic so I think this helped)
    Honestly I was freaking out so bad but really looking back it wasnā€™t that bad at all. You will be fine, try not to panic the day goes so quickly xxxx

    Shan 6

    Also I forgot to add. I asked them not to give me morphine as I heard that can make u sick too. But when I got in to theatre the aneasthetic guy said heā€™s only going to give me a little bit to help with pain.

    Iā€™m gonna do a post on here soon about my whole experience in a bit more detail x


    I woke up from my surgery eat a sandwich went home eat Chinese and slept for nearly 12 hours lol I love anasetic best feeling in the world lol never had no pain till day 3 and it was manageable but I do have a strong pain barrier I did faint on day 2 as well so be careful standing up fast lol don’t worry everyone is different tell them to give you anti sickness through a drip x

    Lorna 57

    I’m in the same boat! My op is 3 weeks today and I have really bad emetophobia. I’m going to stress to them on the day how much it scares me and ask for all the anti sickness meds they have haha! Probably won’t eat anything for hours either even though I’ll be starving. I’ve only ever had GA once and didn’t know it could make you sick, I ate a sandwich just over an hour after I came round and felt like I was going to be sick not long after eating it. It got to the gipping point but managed to stop myself. So after reading these comments I won’t be eating for a long while after haha! Rather be starving than sick. I also have ibs and take probiotics so hopefully these will help. X

    Jordan 15

    @shaniceja oh my god babe so glad you werenā€™t poorly!
    Hope all went well and youā€™re recovering well xx

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