ways to pay.. Started by: rosey

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  • rosey 3

    hi everyone, not posted in a while but im just wondering if anyone could tell me their experience with pying for their new boobs ive only really heard of paying finance?… thanks xo

    rosey 3

    has anyone paid in diff ways, I know its abit of a personal subject im just abit stuck and any help would be greatful 🙂 thanks xx

    Francesca -1

    There’s the Piggybank scheme where you put money aside to MYA whenever you can afford to which a lot of girls fine useful.
    There’s loans/credit cards which If you look around you get 0% interest on a few
    Or you can pay all up front cx

    rosey 3

    ahh the piggy bank sounds good yeah ive been told of the 0% interest and stuff! but thanks ill look more in to it:) x

    Meggies 1

    The 0% cards are a good idea that’s how I want to pay only because cc have faulty good n cover you for the price of a reop xx

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