what did everyone go for and why? unders, over or partials? Started by: danielle

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  • danielle 46

    I’m booking consultation in the next few weeks I’ve an idea in my head as what is personally like to get, but obviously will make sure it’s right for me at consultation? but unsure about overs unders ect? thinking of 325cc? what did you girls get and why?xx

    Helen 33

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    Partial unders to help prevent rippling as I’m really small frame and have no flesh. 250cc hp as I didn’t want an overly big look and wanted to go as natural look as possible. I’m pleased with the results so far, a happy lady. But it’s very personal choice hun and your surgeon is the best person to advice you, it depends on the look you want to achieve

    Katie 12

    I didn’t have a choice my surgeon said I have to have unders where tiny. Apparently unders/partials are better to help prevent rippling but recovery time is longer. And I got offered 325/350cc, still ain’t decided on what size yet tho x

    Beita 14

    Most ‘unders’ are actually still partials! It’s very rare for a surgeon to do full unders.


    I was going to say that Beita too. It would have to be a small inplant for fully under.. as there is only so much muscle to go around the implant. Im thiking of having partials for the more natural look, ive read a cc will look smaller under rather than over so some go smaller if over and larger if under if that makes sense. The only reason id chose overs would be for a quicker healing time as i have a 13m old… but feel it would be silly to cut a corner for something that can last me for a long time x

    danielle 46

    thanks ladies!
    Katie what’s your frame as I’m tiny too! I feel horrible lol! that’s the whole reason is like a breast enlargement! don’t want to look massive but don’t want to choose something too small then regret not going abit bigger!? if that makes sense?
    I’m 5’3 frame 8/10 in size? and probably a 32a/b as not been measures since having my last child? I went up to a padded D cup when bf and i loved my boobs now they have gone into hiding ????
    so I was thinking partials?


    In general you won’t get a choice. It’s really best to go with your surgeons judgement. Unders are needed if you don’t have enough breast tissue to cover overs. It’s also to do with how thin your skin is, how stretched it is etc. I wouldn’t worry about things like that until you see ur surgeon as most likely you won’t have a decision to make.

    danielle 46

    surely your given a few options thou, as what would happen if you not happy with just the one choice they give you? obviously I hear what you saying but ideally you should be given a at least 2 options surely?


    Partials are unders it’s just a minor difference in the placement. Some surgeons will only use one placement which is either a proper under or actually a partial under. That’s how it was explained to me anyway. If you don’t have a lot of breast tissue overs just aren’t an option at all and if you have tissue but it’s very elastine from weight loss or breast feeding, empty with no fullness again overs just won’t be an option. Your surgeon will tell you what they believe is best for you and they know what will give you a result that you’ll be happy with. if your suitable for both unders or overs you may get given a choice, but I would definitely be guided by your surgeons advice as they know what’s best. There’s so many other things you will be deciding on with the surgeon, size, shape of implant, profile. I’m sure you won’t feel like your not happy with your involvement. X

    Helen 33

    I was offered the choice of overs with high probability of rippling or partial unders to hide and rippling, I chose the partial unders and ms lutz checked I was happy with this decision on the day, taking into consideration my life style. I was also offered 190 or 250 at my first consultation with her and I chose the 250 hp, and I’m very happy I did. My PC checked I was happy with ms lutz and didn’t want to see another surgeon to see if they would offer different/bigger, but I really liked ms lutz and trusted her judgement. If your not happy with what your offered you could ask to speak to a different surgeon. It’s an important decision, good luck

    Lian 49

    I’m a small frame too and my surgeon recommended unders 300,325, 350 as the best suitable size options. I can’t quite decide what to go for, I know there’s not a huge difference bectwern then but feels like such a hard decision lol. X

    danielle 46

    thanks girls! in hoping to have partials tbh! I’m only small but my skin is fairly stretchy considering having 3 children and I have no strechmarka from that doctors reckon I have good skin. yeah I already have an idea in mind of what id like a few pictures from pages I’ve seen x


    I have unders, my surgeon told me what he recommended I had so I went with that 🙂 x

    Caitlin Rose 20

    When I went to my consultation, it depended on the size of the implant for me! If I was going smaller he said subfacial, but with the larger size he’d have to go under. I’m ok with that, that’s sort of what I had thought in my mind when I was researching- everyone has their own preferences depending on the final look they are going for as well as their body type and surgeons recommendations! 🙂

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