What to take?? Started by: Jayne

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  • Jayne 10

    So my op is on monday, admission is 7am…sooooo excited. Wanna pack my stuff this week as have kids to sort at weekend. So what do i need? Do i rreally need pj? Slippers and dressing gown? I was planning on wearing what im.coming home in which will be tracky bottoms, sliders (double up as slippers?) Baggy vest top and zip up hoody. So was only planning on taking my bra and a magazine to read oh and jaffacakes fot after. Any advice welcome

    Cath 75

    All I took was my slippers and my dressing gown, I’m funny about wearing things that aren’t mine… couple of magazines, my phone and the most important thing my bra.
    If you don’t mind wearing hospital dressing gown and slippers then you wouldn’t need to take ya own xx

    Cath 75

    I just went home in what I went in.. I was only day case anyway xx

    Meg 30

    I was a day case, I didn’t take slippers or dressing gown, they supplied that anyway.
    Wouldn’t advise the vest top, definitely not, purely because you genuinely can’t lift your arms. I felt really good after my op, girl in the next bed seemed to struggle so it does depend how you recover, but just to be safe. Her op was first (about 4 hours before mine) and she still needed help out of the bed to go to toilet when I was leaving. I felt bad calling the nurses because I genuinely felt okay to go to toilet alone (but that’s a no). I bought spaghetti strap tops from Primark that my mum helped me into. Had to put them on feet first, then it was easy enough to pull the straps, but again, I wasn’t in as much pain as I could’ve based on how the other girl was. As for your joggers, you do have to put a gown and pants on, so it really doesn’t matter what you wear there. Depends on your comfort putting it back on after surgery. I did change my clothes after surgery purely for cleanliness, but I don’t think that’s vital. Your jacket is fine too 🙂 xx

    Lauren 31

    I didn’t take much at all. I wore a tracksuit to go down there and just put it back on to come home in. I took my sports bra and an iPad and literally that was it! You don’t need pjs, slippers etc. I walked down to theatre in my trainers and when I was cold put my tracksuit top on over my hospital gown. I took my pillow for car journey home but I didn’t even use that. Xxx

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