When can I stop worrying and getting anxiety about infection!!!!! Started by: Jae

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  • Jae 4

    Guys if anyone can put my mind to rest when woukd you say you can stop stressing and worrying about infection? I am 4 weeks post op have had all my tapes removed so my scars are now exposed I’m
    Still scared to shower so I flannel wash my top area every day but go nowhere near my scars I just want to feel relaxed and not worry about infection it’s been my biggest fear through this operation please help 🙁 xxx

    Elizabeth 33

    I’ve been allowed to shower since day 1. I still have tape on but use a medicated wash called Octenisan I bought off Amazon. Unlike hibiscrub you don’t have to dilute.
    Go for a shower it will feel great.
    I’m sure your over the high risk period for infection now x

    Jae 4

    Thanks for your reply, I’m 5 weeks post op it’s just always been a big fear of mine I’m terrified of getting the scars wet they’ve told me I can let water run over them but I’m too scared too do it wish I could
    Overcome this as it’s giving me mad anxiety x

    Jae 4

    Also do you put that on your scars or just around the area? Xx

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