When do your muscles and boobs feel normal?3WPO please help£ Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 5

    I’m 3w+3dpo now and had 400/425 cc high profile unders. My muscles still hurt to lift up even slightly or stretch and my boobs are so tender even brushing past them feels weird. Not so much painful just to weird sensation. My incisions sometimes tingle too. Is this normal? When did you feel like they belonged to you? Thanks girls x

    Nicola 26

    Hi Hannah.I’m also 3wpo and feel the same although I had overs.My ribs hurt as well.xx

    Hannah 5

    Thanks for answering x

    Jen 107

    Hi Hannah, I am somewhere between 7&8 weeks post op and I’m almost back to normal. Still the odd weird and wonderful sensation now and again and i can definitely do too much and know about it! Glad that bizarre feeling has gone away now though when you use your muscle the slightest little bit and it feels like it’s going to come off or pop out or something haha! Hope this helps xxx

    Hannah 5

    Thanks Jen that’s really helpful x

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