Areola reduction worth the risk??? Scared of scarring Started by: Heather

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  • Heather 1

    Hi everyone,

    I had breast implants with my a two years ago to treat tubular breasts, literally had AA cup but quite large, puffy or herniated nipples. I was incredibly depressed and wouldn’t go swimming, bra-less, nevermind topless with a partner. I saw Mr Mounir after saving and eventually had breast Augmentation to get a c cup – he said I could have went larger but really all I cared about was shape. I often go braless now on nights out and I would say my confidence have improved a lot. However I still feel like my areolas are ruining my overall boobs when naked. They’re quite big and although they look less puffy now my boobs have more shape, I still think they look awful. The only time I like them is when cold. Even then, they are also slightly asymmetric. I am thinking about a reduction but I’m scared of the scarring. Dr mounir had encouraged me to leave them alone originally as I have scarred badly on places of tension – my ba scars came out very neat and I’ve had surgery on my face as a kid which has scarred neat too but I have quite a raised scar on my arm where it has pulled when healing. I don’t know if anyone on here has had Areola reduction and was also at risk of scarring who managed this well or maybe can just give me emotional support. At the moment I’m just really down about it… Any advice??

    Hannah 5

    Hey Heather, I too am in the same boat as you. I am pretty certain that I have a mild form of tuberous breasts and I had an appointment today with a GP for a diagnosis, she has never heard of the condition but with searching it up she claims I do not have it (Yet I still disagree and I’m currently seeking out a second opinion from another GP or a cosmetic surgeon). Although, the GP did state that I had a little larger than normal areola. I am very insecure of my breasts and still wanting things done. But the GP did state that for this type of procedure (areola reduction) that I should seek it privately as it is a more scar permitting surgery and said that doing it privately will achieve the best result. I’ve sent you a friend request so we can keep in touch and also for other questions that I or you may have that we can ask each other, thanks 🙂

    Zoe Jordan 17

    My areolas were reduced with my reduction. My scars are barely visible around them.

    Heather 1

    Thank you Zoe!! Your boobs look great! How have you been looking after your scars??

    Heather 1

    Hi Hannah. Yeah you find that with many medical professionals who aren’t in the cosmetic field,m. They’ll say your boobs are fine if they’re healthy which is good but they don’t consider how this impacts upon your mental health and self esteem. Do stay in touch!!

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Hi Heather.
    I used bio oil for the first few months after I was told I could but then I sort of forgot! I’ll try and get new scar pics up.

    beccac123 16

    I’ve been to meet a surgeon today at Transform who has also told me my boobs are mildly tuberous and has given me two options of either having a lift and implant( which seems ridiculous since there’s nothing to lift but will make them more centre) or a normal BA. An y help is appreciated? I’m going to see another surgeon at MYA and see if opinions match up

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I think lift with implant is recommended for correcting the shape of tuberous. You may get better advice on the breast enlargement page

    beccac123 16

    Thanks Zoe! Didn’t even realise it wasn’t that page I just searched tuberous in the bar


    I had surgery and tried dermalmd scar serum to reduce the scar. It not only made that scar minimal it reduced scars that had from previous surgeries. I could not believe the difference. I would highly recommend dermalmd.

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