Worried Started by: Alesha

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  • Alesha

    Hi everyone, I am currently researching labiaplasty and it’s something I would love to have done. My only worry is loss of sensation after? I have read a lot of horror stories and it’s putting me off. Can someone tell me otherwise please as I would love to have this done. Does the procedure go near your sensitive part?

    Jessica04 4

    Hi Louise,
    I had labiaplasty and hoodectomy, meaning shortening of the labia and reduction of the clitoral hood.
    It was obviously numb for around 3 weeks while the stitches came out and the area healed, however I’m now just under 11 weeks post op & I’ve not had any issues with loss of sensation 🙂 x


    Hi Jessica,

    Just wondered how happy you are with the results? If you still have obvious labia left etc? Worried too much can be removed!


    Jessica04 4

    I’m thrilled with my results, I wish I’d had it done years ago!
    I do still have inner labia, they are small in comparison to before surgery, but I can hold the inner labia with my thumb and forefinger.
    During the healing stages it changes in appearance quite a few times, I am due to see my surgeon in the next few weeks at 3 months post op (haven’t booked an appointment yet) for final result photos so I’m not sure if it has fully settled yet?
    I met my partner just before my surgery, I haven’t told him I’ve had a procedure and he’s none the wiser, so in terms of scaring and “normal appearance” you wouldn’t notice unless you knew how my labia looked previously.
    Hope this helps! X

    louise 3

    Iv’e had the same as Jessica. (she answered a few of my worries before.) I’ve not noticed any lack of sensation and i am 2 months post surgery come Thursday.
    I’ve just had a proper proper look on my own tonight and i cannot explain how amazing it looks now. My inner labia is minute and very neat to the point i really have to pull my outer lips back to see.

    Best thing i have done! The recovery from surgery wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be but please try and rest up for 2 weeks, don’t push yourself and take Arnica which you can order online and eat healthily lots of protein and water. That’s what the nurse recommended and my first nurses appointment after she said how well it had healed so really give your body the help and break it will need.

    Dr.Ibraheim is incredible. My labia was horrible before, really protruded and just looked terrible but now i love it. It was something i have been so conscious of for so so many years which has affected my confidence and relationships. So no regrets for me in the slightest.


    Hi girls, @jessica04 @louise9204 I am booked with Dr Ibrahim next week and I’m really excited finally having this surgery after having consultations and backing out for the last 8/9 years!
    Just wondering regarding recovery, I’m seeing someone at the minute and haven’t told him I’m having the surgery because I’m still far too embarrassed to bring it up, how long was it before you could have sex again? My nurse said 4-6 weeks, is that accurate or will it be longer? Trying to think how to avoid him asking why I can’t :\
    Also about 4 weeks after surgery I’m going on a city break for a couple of days so there’s likely to be a lot of walking, will this be okay do you think? Xx

    Jessica04 4

    Hi Becki!

    I was in a similar situation , my partner and I met just as I was booking surgery & I worried about how to explain not having sex to him without telling him about the surgery! I just told him I was having issues with my periods & couldn’t have sex for about a month, he accepted it fine!
    They say you should wait at least 6 weeks, I felt I was healed around week 4, when I tried to have sex, before we actually got anywhere, it felt like it was pulling too much so I stopped & just said I was nervous! Everything seemed swollen afterwards when I looked, but it went down after a few hours.
    Week 5 was fine though so I’d say listen to your body, whatever works for you, but don’t force anything that feels uncomfortable just in case!
    Regarding my recovery process, I’d say 4 weeks should be fine for walking on a city break, if you feel uncomfortable just say you want to grab a coffee to take a break or something. But again, some people on this forum seem like their recovery didn’t go smoothly, so just take it as your body feels comfortable!
    Good luck! Anything else you want to know, just ask 🙂 x


    Thanks Jessica that’s really helpful! Good idea about the periods ???????????? he’s going to notice afterwards lol but by that point I won’t care anymore! Hopefully everything will be healed well enough for my trip. Thanks xxx


    Hi becki
    I’m booked in with dr Ibraheim next week for labiaplasty , hoodectomy and vaginal tightening ! I haven’t told anyone I’m having it done , getting nervous ! Please let me know how you get on

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