Patient Story

  • Why did you want the procedure?

    I wanted surgery because my boobs just looked liked they had lost all the filling in the top, although with the right bra on no one would notice but that just made me feel like a liar. I wanted them filled back up, yes maybe a little bigger than they had been but I will be happy just to have them filled up lol.

  • Why did you choose MYA?

    I was extremely lucky my daughter had surgery with me it was like having a PA she research everything local clinics to further afield and she gave me all the points about each clinic yet Mya  appeared to out do each clinic every time.

  • How was your consultation?

    My consultations have been extremely good and set my mind at completely ease. I had to have an ultrasound scan due to history of cancer in my family this was a complete pain and could not get it sorted Joanna the nurse at the Bristol clinic stepped in and took away all my stress and got it sorted with my local clinic. Next I ended up with a really bad kidney infection spent 3days in hospital again Bristol clinic wouldn’t let me get stressed and were incredibly supportive, I have to get urine samples done with my own GP and then go to Mya in Bristol for blood tests. They spoke to me on the phone or had supportive text messages all the way, I could not have felt more look after and cannot thank them enough.

  • How was the day of your procedure?

    After everything I had gone through before my procedure I couldn’t believe I was finally sat at the Fitzroy with my daughter yay. Admission time was 8am waited in the waiting room for about 10mins before a nurse came and took us both to our room. I was so pleased to actually be there and everyone was so nice explaining what was going to be happening I did not feel at all stressed or nervous in any way. Gowned up with yes those wonder paper pants lol blood pressure, tempature, heart, weight and  height checked. I also had to do a  pregnancy test even though I am  post menopausal it was still done.

    Met the  anaesthetist who explained everything that would happen and did we have any questions, very easy to talk to my daughter asked him a few questions he answered. Then Dr Lutz arrived chatted making both of us feel at ease she drew on me I can’t really remember much of the  Conversation just her smiling lots and how pleased I was to see her, she then went and chatted to my daughter drew on her said she would see us shortly and sweet dreams. I was first to go down that day 9.30 on the dot I walked down got up onto the bed the  anaesthetist and another lady chatted to me asking me about my favourite beach and before I knew it I could hear a guys voice saying I could wake up now. When I opened my I eyes I couldn’t believe it had been so much so I even asked him if I had new boobs lol lol, my chest felt tight but nothing like the pain that I had imagined I would feel. Oh I have new boobs and love them. He wanted me to drink up some water which I did and then I was wheeled back to my room, my daughter was gone as she was second on the list. I was asked to drink some more water before I was aloud coffeee and the best toast ever as I was so hungry. After a number of glasses of water and few more cups of coffee my daughter returned to my relief well I am mum so bound to worry.

    I put my contact lenses back in and makeup on tidy my hair and drank more coffee along with very nice biscuits that came with my coffee lol, we had to stay for 6hrs as travelling all the way back to Cornwall. That was a very long drive but once I got my pillow sorted into a comfortable place I was ok. Stopped to eat on the way back kiddies meal from Burger King perfect size.

    Got home 12.30 very long day got my bed sorted with pillows and just got in.

  • How was your recovery?

    woke this not feeling to bad at all tired in fact I keep  dozing off while I am writing this so doe hope it reads ok lol as this is only day one I will add more as the days go on. I feel like I have done way to many sit-ups yet instead of being in my  stomach area it’s my boob area, or it feels like my boobs have filled with milk for the first time lol so no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be. . . . Ok it’s the day after surgery tomorrow maybe different?

    Day 9 So far, Sleeping I thought would be so easy but I am 9days on and not sleeping great in bed better on the sofa but  I am not at work so it’s ok. Meal preparation in the freezer before hand so glad I did. Strange and very different sensations in either boob at different time or in one and not the other has been an experience. Some just  annoying  others sensations are painful but I will say these never last and the next day is a new experience this is

  • Are you happy with your results?

    I was really happy when I first look at them and they of course are changing it’s just waiting game now, my boobs were empty they are now filled!!!! I am happy will up date .

    Ok I am trying not to look at them when changing bra just let them do what they need to do, but of course sneaky peak odd days.

    Day 5 They are swollen today, quick look and put them away.

    Day 9 Swelling has gone down as they seem smaller today and I just love them.

    Day 10 Stitches out today healed nicely

    Two wks day I love them evening out really nicely


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