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MYA Rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission

MYA is the only cosmetic surgery company rated 'OUTSTANDING' by the Care Quality Commission

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Breast Reaugmentation

Breast implants aren't designed to last a lifetime and typically will need replacing after around 10-15 years. Patients usually opt for implant removal and replacement surgery because the shape of their breasts has changed. This happens over time as the body undergoes natural changes such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss and ageing.

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    Mentor Implants

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    6 weeks

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    2nd breast enlargement, breast reaug

reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story
reaugmentation patient story

What is breast reaugmentation?  

Implant removal and reaugmentation surgery involves the removal of the original breast implants along with any internal scar tissue, then the breast pocket is repaired, and the new implants are placed. This is typically carried out through the original incision in the breast crease to minimise further scarring.

How much does breast reaugmentation cost?

Breast Reaugmentation prices start from £7,910. For further information on Breast Beaugmentation costs click here.

Whether you would prefer to pay in full, utilise our finance offerings, pay with a credit card or take out a bank loan, MYA offer many different payment options to our patients to ensure funding a cosmetic surgery procedure is accessible to all. To learn more about our finance options, click here. 

Benefits of breast reaugmentation

Patients who consider reaugmentation breast surgery are typically wanting to change their breast implants for one of the following reasons: 

  • To increase or decrease the size of the breast implants 

  • Breast appearance has changed over a period of time 

  • Breast appearance has changed following childbirth  

  • Breast appearance has changed following weight loss 

  • Breast appearance has changed with age

  • Create a more symmetrical appearance 

  • Improve the shape of the breasts

  • Rupture or capsular contracture


Breast reaugmentation surgery 

Every patient's breast surgery journey is different, our specialist MYA surgeons will recommend the best implant size and placement for you based on your physical requirements, body shape, existing breast tissue and your desired result since your previous breast procedure.  

Implant removal and reaugmentation procedures are performed under general anaesthetic and take between 1-2 hours in theatre. Depending on the surgeon's recommendations and your personal preference, there's an option to be a day case patient or stay overnight to recover in one of our MYA hospitals.   

Patients should expect bruising and swelling to the breasts and surrounding areas and may experience tightness, discomfort and sensitivity following their procedure. Pain should subside after 7-14 days and pain relief will be prescribed to ease any discomfort. 

reaugmentation patient story

What breast implants does MYA use for breast re augmentation?

For breast implant surgery, MYA uses the highest quality implants, by Mentor, a company owned by Johnson & Johnson, recognised as one of the world's most trusted companies. Each breast implant's outer layer is made of silicone and is filled with a cohesive gel that holds together uniformly and retains a natural give that best resembles breast tissue. It is not an issue if your previous breast implants were from a different implant provider, your dedicated MYA surgeon will discuss the Mentor implants available to you in more detail during your consultation. 

Breast augmentation surgery at MYA

If you'd like to learn more about breast surgery and the breast re augmentation procedure, we're more than happy to help and answer all of your questions.

Book an eConsult online to speak with one of our breast augmentation experts.

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Take the first step in your MYA journey by having a video eConsult from the convenience of your own home with one of our eConsult advisors.

Before & After

Implant Removal & Reaugmentation

Here is a small selection of some of MYA's breast implant removal and re-augmentation. When you attend your initial eConsult, your eConsult Advisor will scan our exclusive MYA hub and find before and after photos that better match your current and desired implant size. Previous procedures not with MYA.

You can talk to thousands of our happy patients within our online community.

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With 550cc Implants

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With 605cc Implants

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With 400cc Implants

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With 700cc Implants

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Capsulectomy with 450cc Implants

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reaugmentation patient 7 - post-op


Mastopexy with 400cc Implants

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With 500cc Implants

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With 450cc Implants

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reaugmentation patient 2 - pre-op


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reaugmentation patient 2 - post-op


With 325cc Implants

MYA Cosmetic Surgery perform more breast procedures than any other provider in the UK. Below is a sample of before and after photos that showcase our specialism and expertise. Why go anywhere else?

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Let’s hear from Our patients

Lauren Pope

Breast Reaugmentation Q&A

Lauren Pope's Re-Augmentation


My removal and reaugmentation story

Rebecca's Reaug Story

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What is a breast implant removal and reaugmentation?

What is a Removal and Reaugmentation? || Ask The Expert Surgeon
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You can talk to thousands of our happy patients within our online community.

MYA Journey Information & FAQs

Are MYA implants high quality?

MYA use Mentor, who are part of the Johnson & Johnson family, with over 40 years of experience in making breast implants and with strict regulations and quality standards at their core. Mentor produces the highest quality breast implants which are made with medical-grade silicone gel, their soft and fluid consistency mimics the feel of a real breast. Mentor has an extensive range of implants, including over 1,000 shapes (both round and anatomical teardrop) and sizes (from 100cc to 850cc). We're confident you'll be able to find an implant that best matches your expectations and surgeon's recommendations. If you'd like to learn more about our Mentor implants, click here.

Are breast implants safe?
Does breast reaugmentation leave a scar?
Do breast implants need to be replaced?
Can I have a breast implant removal without replacement?
Why would you need your breast implants replacing?
Does breast reaugmentation affect breastfeeding?
What are the signs that your breast implant needs replacing?
What will my breasts look like after the implants are removed?
Is implant removal and reaugmentation right for me?
What happens during an implant removal and reaugmentation eConsult?
What happens during an implant removal and reaugmentation surgeon consultation?
How do I prepare for my implant removal and reaugmentation surgery?
What happens on the day of implant removal and reaugmentation surgery?
What happens during implant removal and reaugmentation surgery?
What is implant removal and reaugmentation recovery like?
How much does a breast implant removal and reaugmentation cost?

“We believe that everybody and every body is unique

MYA Cosmetic Surgery

Your Patient Journey With MYA

MYA eConsult

1.Video eConsult

You’ll receive an information pack confirming the time and date of your appointment.

Surgeon Consultation

2.Surgeon Consultation

Acting as your personal point of contact at all stages of your journey. A pre-operative medical assessment making sure you are fit and healthy ahead of your procedure.

Patient Pre-op

3.Nurse Pre-op

A pre-operative medical assessment making sure you are fit and healthy ahead of your procedure.

Breast Enlargement Surgery Day

4.Procedure Day

Your procedure at one of the UK’s finest cosmetic surgery hospitals, with the option of an overnight stay in an en suite room including 24 hour room service, satellite TV and breakfast.

Breast Enlargement Aftercare Appointments

5.Aftercare Appointments

Our MYA aftercare policy including all post-operative assessments with your surgeon and one of MYA’s qualified nurses.

Patient Journey Step 6

6.You’re Healed!

Our 24 hour emergency helpline manned by our network of nurses, providing you with ongoing support 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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The MYA Patient Portal

MYA are the only cosmetic surgery provider with an online Patient Portal. We’ve created a bespoke product to help our patients access their information whenever they want and to make their journey with us more seamless.

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