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MYA is the only cosmetic surgery company rated 'OUTSTANDING' by the Care Quality Commission

Hannah Patient Story

Hi guys, I'm Hannah and I've had a breast enlargement and uplift with MYA. I'm part of the amazing new MYA campaign and did an interview to share a bit more about my journey and my thoughts. Enjoy!

March 8th, 2019 |Patient Stories

Why do you feel it’s important for people to talk openly about their cosmetic surgery procedure?

Because it’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s a really brave decision to make. No one has cosmetic surgery for nothing and it isn’t a decision that anyone takes lightly. It’s a big thing to put your body and mind through and a lot more people have cosmetic surgery than you think but are scared to admit it. I am not scared; it was something I had to do for myself as it was a massive insecurity for me.

Why did you want your procedure?

I wanted to have my procedure for years as my breasts were something that I was always extremely self-conscious about and never ever liked. I never felt that I developed properly and weight fluctuations over the years caused them to be a shape I wasn’t personally happy with. I have never been happy with the shape and when I got to my mid 20's, I found myself missing out social occasions within my personal life. I was making excuses about why I couldn’t go to the beach or why I couldn’t go to the pool with my friends purely because I was so self-conscious. I was also sleeping in bras as I hated my breasts even touching my body. It was a really tough time for me and that’s when I thought: this has to stop - enough is enough - I need to do something about this as it’s taking over my life and affecting my mental wellbeing.

Why did you choose MYA?

I chose MYA as I had spoken to other women who had had the procedure done with them and they said they were looked after really well by MYA and the aftercare was good. I also looked into their social media and into all of their other forums and knew this was a company that specialises in cosmetic surgery. I knew that I would feel safe going to a big company as they would do these types of operations all the time and I would be looked after.

Why is being body confident important to you?

Being body confident is extremely important to me as I spent so many of my years comparing myself to others, hating my body, hating my size, hating my shape... just hating everything about myself. It was really unhealthy because when you think about it, your body is what gets you through your day-to-day life and it’s something that should be celebrated, not hated! One size does not fit all. All shapes and sizes should be celebrated. We are all unique. I just got sick of hating my body and being so negative about it - that really wasn't who I was because I'm an extremely positive woman. One day a switch just went off in my head and I was like: "you know what, Hannah? Actually, you're more than this. You're more than this view of what society makes you think you should look like." Ever since then, I've just lived my best life.

Why is being Body Honest important to you?

For me, being body honest is about helping others. When I was researching to have my procedure with MYA, I couldn’t find one woman that was slightly curvy so I had no stats to compare myself to and I felt alienated as a result. It was like I was the only woman that was over a size 8 that was having this procedure when in fact there are a lot of women out there that have this done but are just scared to share their results from a fear of being judged.

Why do you think about MYA only using real patients in all of their campaigns?

I think it’s really great that MYA are using real patients in all of their campaigns as you can see the results from a real person rather than a model.

What do you think is important for people to understand about the men and woman that choose to have cosmetic surgery?

It’s not a decision that’s taken lightly and they’re doing it for themselves, not for anyone else. We shouldn’t be judged for doing so. This isn’t coming from a place of vanity; it’s something someone is doing to improve how they feel and if that makes them happy then that’s great and their happiness should be celebrated.

What do you think the biggest misconception is for the people that have cosmetic surgery?

That people get cosmetic surgery for vanity and only one type of person will have cosmetic surgery. I recently had someone say to me; “oh Hannah you don’t look like the type of girl that had a boob job” and I turned around to them and said; "well what does that girl look like then? What does that even mean? Why do you think only a certain person that looks the same way would have cosmetic surgery?" It really baffled me that there is still the stigma of only one group of women having this procedure done. It’s completely ridiculous and a really really old-fashioned way of looking at cosmetic surgery. In 2019 people can do what they want and everyone should be celebrated for their own individuality.

What are your top 3 tips you would give to someone looking into having cosmetic surgery?

(1) Do your research

(2) Make sure it’s 100% something you want to do for yourself

(3) Have a clear guideline of what you want your results to be so your surgeon can help you to achieve this

What do you feel is different now following your procedure?

I feel I have completely come into myself and I’m now happy in any type of scenario. Before you wouldn’t even dare catch me in a bikini, I wouldn’t wear any low-cut tops or bear any skin - I was extremely self-conscious and unhappy.

This campaign is also completely ironic. A few years ago, I cancelled an Ibiza holiday with 2 close friends. I made up an excuse that I couldn't afford it but the real reason was: I was self-concious about my body and couldn't bring myself to do it. Now here I am a few years down the line, my first time in Ibiza and I'm shooting with the amazing team from MYA and talking about body confidence! It's just so ironic - I can't believe it really. If you could take me back to a few years ago (before I had this procedure) and told me I was going to do this, I would've honestly said that there was more chance of me winning the lottery or getting eaten by a shark than standing in front of a camera! No filter, no editing, bearing my body for the whole nation to see me in a bloody bikini - ha! It's just a completely and utterly surreal experience for me and I'm so happy I got the opportunity to do this and to help other women feel confident in their own skin. I would hate for anyone to be in the negative space that I was in a few years back.

How would you describe your MYA journey in 3 words?

Empowering emotional rollercoaster

Can you talk about MYA community and why it’s important to have someone to talk to?

Whilst healing, your body is going through major changes and you can sometimes doubt your results and be worried that you won’t be happy with the final outcome. For this reason, it’s really nice to talk to the community within MYA to give you some reassurance at that stage and also the nurses are there to offer their medical experience if you feel something may not be quite right. You’re in safe hands.

Do you think it’s important for the media to hear your story?

Absolutely! It’s my body and I can do with it what I wish. This was something that I needed to do as it was impacting my mental health and having this procedure has given me the confidence I needed. I did it for myself and I think it’s such a shame that there is such a negative stigma around cosmetic surgery.

Have you ever hidden the fact you’ve had surgery, due to fear of being judged?

No, I have always been completely honest and open about my procedure. I’m not too worried about getting judged as I know who I am and what I have to offer. If somebody wants to judge me for having cosmetic surgery then that’s on them and it's a real shame because I’m a good person with a good heart and that’s what really matters.

Do you think people judge certain procedures more than others - if so, which?

I think Breast Enlargement has more of a stigma than a reduction or an uplift. I feel that women that have their breasts enlarged are being judged more as people think it’s for vanity or for the sexual satisfaction of men, which is completely laughable and really isn’t.

What 3 words would you use to describe how you felt about yourself before surgery? Self critical Hannah

What 3 words would you use to describe how you felt about yourself after surgery? Self love Hannah

Why does representation matter?

Representation is massively important. Before I did this campaign with MYA, I couldn’t find anybody that was my size, age or shape. It’s really important for other girls who are looking into this procedure to have someone that they can look to, to compare their stats to, and to not feel like they’re the only person that’s going through this or wants this procedure. You know this procedure can be for anyone, any age, any shape, any size - and I feel it’s really important that companies are representing women of all shapes and sizes. This is a really great movement for MYA and they should be given a lot of respect for it. If I can help one other woman not feel like she is alone and not feel like she has to change her body shape to have this procedure done, then that would make me the happiest girl in the world. I’m here to represent curvy women and remind them that not one size fits all.

What advice would you give someone looking into having the same procedure as you?

Do your research and make sure it’s something that you really really want. Enjoy the experience as it’s all really exciting! Make sure you do it for yourself and no one else. Don’t be scared of the stigma as the world is changing and it really is getting better!

Follow me on Instagram @hannahtt

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