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Turkey Breast Enlargement

With more people than ever opting to travel outside the UK for surgical procedures without understanding the damage it can do, it's time to educate our readers.

Today, we discuss why you should never go to Turkey for cosmetic surgery.

January 18th, 2023 |Ask an Expert

What you need to know about getting a boob job in Turkey

However, many opt to risk their lives and get a range of surgeries for a discounted price - whether it’s a safe option or not. 

There seems to be a new horror story every other day of major complications when Brits travel abroad to get cosmetic surgery, including ruptures, infections, and lack of support from the clinic they visited. 

So why do people still choose to travel to Turkey for their boob jobs?

Today, our experts are here to delve deeper into the rise of cosmetic surgery in Turkey and answer the question: ‘should I get a breast augmentation in Turkey?’

Is it safe to get a breast augmentation surgery in Turkey?

Ever heard of the saying ‘buy cheap, buy twice’?

This often applies to travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery. With so many risks involved, it’s common for those who have received cosmetic surgery abroad to seek out clinics in the UK for reconstructive surgery to rectify the damage done. 

We understand that the lower cost of a boob job in Turkey may sound appealing initially, but what’s actually included in the total?

It’s important to note that no surgery is completely risk-free, but with breast implant surgery in Turkey, you may not have detailed consultations prior to the procedure or access to follow-up treatments. It’s not guaranteed that healthcare standards will match those of the UK - the UK Government website have even issued a warning over medical tourism in Turkey and the overwhelming risks involved.

The warning from the UK Government website states:

"The standard of medical facilities and available treatments vary widely around the world. As such, British nationals considering undertaking medical treatment in Turkey should carry out their own research; it is unwise to rely upon private companies that have a financial interest in arranging your medical treatment abroad. We are aware of 24 British nationals who have died in Turkey since January 2019 following medical tourism visits."

With the lower cost, it’s unlikely you’ll get the support and advice from your surgeon pre- and post-operation. Aftercare is vital, and if you can’t contact or travel to the clinic that performed your Turkey breast augmentation, any complications won’t be seen to - meaning you’ll have to rely on emergency care at a hospital near you, which isn’t always available. 

The likely chance of something going wrong won’t be covered, meaning the total price (with reconstruction included) will end up costing much more than the original procedure. 

Standards and qualifications may also be different abroad. If you book a breast augmentation procedure, the experience could differ dramatically, including the quality of care, procedure, and training. 

The NHS highlights the importance of consultation appointments. During your time with a surgeon, you should learn what the procedure involves, its limitations, and any potential complications, as well as view evidence of their previous work. 

With so many things to be wary of, is getting a breast surgery in Turkey really worth it?

Breast enlargement consultation - breast implants

Can I travel after a boob job in Turkey?

Travelling after surgery comes with major risks. You are more at risk of developing Pulmonary Embolism (PE) or Deep Vein Thrombosis, and more likely to develop blood clots when you’re up in the air.  

A pulmonary embolism is a blocked blood vessel in your lungs and can be life-threatening if not treated quickly. MYA Cosmetic Surgery advise that you wait at least 4 weeks to fly short-haul and 6 weeks long-haul post-surgery to reduce risks like DVT and a pulmonary embolism.

Why is it safer to get a breast enlargement in the UK?

If you live in the UK and are thinking about having a breast enlargement in Turkey, there are a few factors you should consider. 


While a lower cost is appealing, you have to keep the quality of care in mind. 

In the UK, it is the surgeon's responsibility to provide each patient with follow-up treatments, but due to the nature of travelling for cosmetic surgery, this aftercare isn’t guaranteed.

A breast augmentation with MYA Cosmetic Surgery, includes aftercare appointments in the total cost. This includes meetings with the surgeon to monitor healing and care for wounds, as well as the contact number for one of our cosmetic surgery nurses if there are any concerns. 

Aftercare warranty is there to give you the reassurance. For up to 2 years following your operation, where you and your surgeon both agree that further surgery is required, MYA will provide, if clinically appropriate, corrective surgery, hospital accommodation (where applicable) and nursing care free of charge.

Continued patient care is something we pride ourselves on here at MYA. We can arrange an appointment at a clinical hub near you to put your mind at ease and answer any questions you may have. 

If you choose to have a boob job in Turkey, it’s unlikely you will have this regular support - unless you’re willing to travel for each check-up, the aftercare available is limited. Due to this issue, if anything goes wrong, you will have to book into a UK clinic for corrective surgery - increasing the cost to get your desired look. It is worth knowing that not all surgeons will be open to corrective surgery when the original procedure was carried out abroad.

Quality of breast implants

Choosing breast implants should be done with careful consideration.

Here at MYA, we use high-quality silicone breast implants to create the best breast shape for each patient. Whether you want a teardrop shape or round breast implants, we make sure they fit with your physical proportions and are supported properly by your natural breast tissue and surrounding skin.

Breast augmentation in Turkey is a much quicker process, with fewer consultations, and lower-quality implants. Because of this, you may not get the breast size or shape you initially wanted alongside the complications that come with low-grade breast implants.

I’ve had a botched boob job in Turkey, how do I correct it?

Yes, breast augmentation in Turkey costs less than in the UK, but what if something goes wrong? After you’ve made your way back to English soil, contacting your Turkish surgeon can be difficult, and any revisions will take major time and planning - if it’s even an option with the surgery. 

If you have undergone breast augmentation surgery in Turkey because of the discount prices and are now suffering from the consequences, don't worry - it can still be fixed. 

It’s worth noting that only life-threatening complications are treated by NHS professionals, but will refuse treatment for unwanted outcomes like misshapen breasts. 

Here at MYA, we offer implant removal and reaugmentation. Whether you’ve changed your mind or are regretting getting a boob job in Turkey, we can help. Please be aware that it’s typically advised you wait a minimum of one year before seeking corrective surgery. 

This procedure involves either removing the breast implant entirely, or swapping it out for a new one while using the original incision to limit further scarring. Patients come to MYA for implant removal or reaugmentation for many reasons, including:  

  • To change the size

  • If the appearance of the breast has changed due to weight gain/loss, childbirth, or ageing

  • To create a more symmetrical shape 

  • If there has been a rupture or capsular contracture. 

MYA surgeons will work with you to create the best solution for you and use implants based on your physical requirements, body shape, existing breast tissue, and desired result. 

If you’ve had a breast augmentation in Turkey, you must let us know prior to your consultation for this treatment, as this could affect how we carry out the procedure.

How to choose a clinic for a boob job

If you’re interested in cosmetic surgery, it’s vital you do your research. 

This ensures you’ll go to a reputable, trusted clinic that can not only perform your chosen procedure correctly but also offer you advice and support when making the decision on which one is right for you. 

For example, you may want implants to improve the overall shape of your breasts, but a breast uplift may be more suited to your requirements. 

There are highly qualified surgeons outside of the UK but it can prove an issue when trying to check their qualifications. In the UK cosmetic and plastic surgeons will be accredited by the General Medical Council (GMC). Other countries use different systems due to different standards and qualifications, so it is not as easy to check if an overseas surgeon is fully trained.

It’s a good idea to talk to clinics in your area to see what they can do for you, and find out whether you can trust the surgeon that will be performing your breast enlargement

At MYA Cosmetic Surgery, we offer free consultations with an expert patient coordinator who can inform you about the procedure and aftercare, as well as answer any of your questions surrounding the experience itself - for each patient, we will handpick the best surgeon for you based on your desired result. 

Cosmetic surgery isn’t cheap by any means, but at MYA, we accept credit card payments as well as finance options to keep monthly payments at a price you can afford. 

Many of our patients have been kind enough to share their MYA experiences. Whether it be a breast enlargement or liposuction, you can learn more about the individual and their experiences with our treatment - everything from the consultation to the aftercare is discussed in our patient stories, as well as some top tips from those who have visited us. 

Why is getting breast enlargement surgery cheaper in Turkey?

The cost of cosmetic surgery reflects the quality of care, attention and expertise a patient receives, as well as the advice and support they have access to. 

Unlike getting a breast enlargement with MYA Cosmetic Surgery, you’re not guaranteed access to sufficient aftercare, as you’ll most likely be travelling home not long after the procedure.

It’s crucial that you plan ahead and ensure you have access to adequate aftercare when looking into cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be aware that post-operative care for surgeries abroad isn’t available in the UK, making health complications and medical issues more likely after a breast enlargement. 

In Turkey, it isn’t likely surgeons will use premium implants or create a tailored treatment plan unique to your requirements. With us, you can expect the highest quality Mentor implants and a team of dedicated patient coordinators, nurses and surgeons to advise and support you before, during and after your procedure - no matter how long ago your procedure was performed. 

Having a breast enlargement with us also means you’re entitled to revisions if anything was to go wrong - but we must say, this is very rare, with some patients having their implants for 30 years with no complications!

The starting cost of breast enlargement surgery with us at MYA is £5,895 - in this, you’ll have access to a bespoke treatment and aftercare plan, as well as post-op appointments with your surgeon and MYA nurse.  

 Is it better to get a breast augmentation in Turkey?

The short answer is…no. 

Firstly, you have to travel. Flying after a cosmetic surgery procedure comes with major health risks. But, unless you have holidays to use up at work, you don’t have much choice with a boob job in Turkey but to fly just days after the operation. 

Secondly, a low cost often means low quality. Just because you’re saving money, you run the risk of developing infections and being subject to major health concerns that are hard to rectify. 

And last but not least - in the UK, there are high standards that surgeons must abide by and qualifications they must have in order to perform cosmetic surgery procedures. In other countries, like Turkey, these are very different and nowhere near as comprehensive as the ones here. 

Overall, you won’t have access to a tailored care plan, revisions if anything was to go wrong or the same standards expected from UK surgeons if you get a breast augmentation in Turkey. 

To save yourself the hassle of travel and the risk of health complications, contact MYA today for a breast enlargement.

What are some of the complications that come with getting a boob job in Turkey?

The main risk of getting a boob job in Turkey is that you don’t fully know what you’re getting yourself in for. Many people have issues due to the consent forms being in Turkish and have to trust the surgeon to correctly translate, but this runs the risk of miscommunication and vital details being missed out. 

If something were to then go wrong, you can’t just quickly arrange an appointment to see your surgeon in the UK, you may need to travel back to the country to be medically assessed at your own cost.

Other risks include: 

  • No face-to-face post-op care with a nurse or surgeon

  • Limited support or advice pre and post-op

  • May not be offered revision surgery

  • Developing blood clots, pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis due to the risk of flying post-surgery

At MYA Cosmetic Surgery, quality and transparency are at the top of our priority list. Using high-quality Mentor Implants and employing the best of the best to build our team has led to us achieving an ‘outstanding’ rating in the Care Quality Commission (CQC) health inspection.

Contact MYA Cosmetic Surgery today for a breast augmentation you can trust

If you want our advice do not risk your life and results for a boob job in Turkey. It comes with travel costs, a list of potential risks, and countless difficulties if and when something goes wrong. 

MYA Cosmetic Surgery is the home of a team of professional, experienced, and friendly experts who can perform a list of professional procedures, creating your desired look safely. 

Unlike cosmetic surgery in Turkey, if something goes wrong or you need to speak to a professional, we’re just around the corner with support and advice. 

Avoid unnecessary fees and book a FREE consultation today to find out more and meet with one of our patient coordinators. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram to see patient stories and before and after transformations. We also have a MYA forum, where those with breast augmentations, or thinking about cosmetic surgery, can share their tips and tricks - join the MYA community today!

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